A couple of strangers, knocked at my door that night. They couldn’t get a room in the inns, because all the inns were full with people coming from all over the region. The woman was pregnant.
What is it that you expect to get from Christmas? What does Christmas mean to you? Have you ever imagined what happened in the night before the holy birth?
The world isn’t kind. The constant struggle, the brave of heart, are all for nothing but to be left in the dark
Kita dipinggirkan justru ketika kita berbuat adil. Kita disingkirkan justru ketika kita menegakkan kebenaran.
I am so weak and fragile, vulnerable and foolish. That is why I need God’s grace and mercy each and every day
Banyak orang Kristen gombal dengan Tuhan. Nyanyinya “I love you Jesus”, tapi pas diminta berkorban, semuanya ogah-ogahan dan pergi.
Jesus, loving Lord, teach me real love – mine is often shallow in my relationship to others.
The early church was married to poverty, prisons, and persecutions. Today “the church” is married to properity, personality, popularity
Mengumpulkan harta untuk diri sendiri adalah kebodohan. Hanya satu alasan kita mengumpulkan harta, yaitu untuk melayani Tuhan.
Janganlah takut hai kamu kawanan kecil, karena Bapamu telah berkenan memberikan kamu kerajaan itu (Lukas 12:32)
Faith is not the boast of the strong. It is the cry of the weak in need of a saviour (John Piper)
Orang yang egois tidak akan mengingat kebaikan yang ia pernah terima darimu, Orang seperti itu akan meninggalkanmu, ketika engkau tidak memberikan apa yang ia ingini